Where To Find Online Scratchcards

Scratch cards haven’t been around for as longer as most people think. In fact it wasn’t until 1974 that the first computer generated tickets were generated and printed in the US. It took even longer for them to appear online. But like so many other online games, once they made an appearance they became hugely popular.

However, very recently it started to become more difficult to find them online. Yes, casino’s and bookmakers offer a few variations but certainly not in the number that you see online slots. So where do you find decent online scratch cards?

Firstly you can check any of the bookmakers that you already have an account with. They will usually have a casino and or a games section. It is here that you are most likely to find them. The casino sections will offer the big ticket scratch cards. These will have all of the bells and whistles and offer multiple ways to win.

Often in the games section, you will stumble across more, but these are more basic though often cheaper than the casino versions. Prices generally range from £1 to £10. Always check out your options as online scratch cards, prices and prizes vary from site to site. A good example is the Win-o-rama casino review which provides a lot of information on your potential choice of game.

If you don’t want to play with a traditional bookmaker you can also visit the National Lottery website. They have a vast selection to choose from and many are just the virtual counterparts to the tickets sold in store. In fact, for the same price, some of the virtual scratch cards have even more ways to win than on the traditional scratch card. You do have to have an account though. Simply sign-up, deposit your money and choose your scratch card. Any winnings instantly go back into your account and you can withdraw them whenever you like.

There is one big difference between the bookmaker online scratch cards and the National Lottery. As the lottery cards are the same whether they are online or store bought, if all of the top prizes are gone, then they are gone. So you could end up playing on a card where the top prize has already been won. However, with bookmakers, if they advertise a top prize or jackpot then it has to be available to win.

The choice is yours so happy scratching!